Student led awards
With recognition of the Student Led Teaching Awards as a Union initiative, and student participation dwindling it was time to give the brand a complete overhaul. The awards themselves had also changed to include the wider university community and not just teaching staff. A few new names were bounced around but the main thrust of the feedback was to keep it simple.
A muted version of the Union colour scheme was used to add a little gravitas to the identity, whilst still being recognisable as part of the Union’s umbrella of sub-brands. New icons were created to clearly communicate the different colleges and awards and bring a boldness to the brand that would add immediacy to the message.
Assets delivered: A0 and A3 posters; 4 x 1000 x 2000 window clings; icons; web banners; social media posts and stories; 1920 x 1080 and 1080 x 1920 digital advertising screens; roll banner, A6 double-sided flyer; business cards