freshers 2019
Freshers Week is the biggest and most exciting event for any student starting at university. Our challenge is to make it a memorable one for students, to introduce them to the work the Union does and raise brand awareness. We began early with this task by dropping teaser videos online a key times, such as A-Level results day.
The main idea was to take students on a virtual journey, giving them a snap shot of what their Freshers Week might look like. We included every step, starting with a bus top ride into London, on to the tube and then from moving in all the way to Freshers Fair and on-campus partying.
Assets delivered: 7 x A0, A1 and A3 posters; 4 x 1000 x 2000 window clings; 7 x 1080 x 1920 and 1080 x 1920 digital advertising screens; 6 ~15 sec teaser videos; tote bag; t-shirt, bag and cap for event staff; A6 16 page mini guide; 4 x 6 x 3 PVC banners; roll banner; banner for main website, Twitter and Facebook; images for Facebook events; social media squares and stories for Instagram; images for events on website; reusable plastic pint glass; 6 x A0, A2 and A3 nightlife posters; social media and web assets for nightlife events.